Hayley Booth / SUPERH4YLS
So today it's New Years Eve, and 2014 is nearly here!
Around Twitter, and a little on YouTube I've seen something called a "memory jar" floating about.
It's where throughout the year, you fill this jar with little bits of paper that have memories on.
You then open it on the first day of the next year, and it just reminds you what a great year you had!
I'm definitely going to start it, I just hope I can manage to keep it up.
I'm going to put in there only good memories, movies I see at the cinema and things like that.
IF I really do manage to keep it going for the WHOLE of 2014, on January 1ST 2015, I'll make a YouTube video of me going back through my memories Jar.
I thought this be a really cute idea :)
The Melting Snowman (Lush) REVIEW
Hayley Booth / SUPERH4YLS
*First off, I'll start off by saying sorry I haven't posted in a while - I literally have no excuse*
Now onto the review.
I went for a little shop in lush and picked up this cutie!
He was £2.25, which isn't actually that bad.
In the shop, I thought he smelt quite nice, but once I got home and smelt him again, I actually changed my mind.
He didn't smell horrible, but it wasn't the nicest - but this is probably just me being picky.
I popped him into the bath and he melted almost completely.
His nose didn't go in though, that must have fallen off into the bag.
The chocolate didn't melt that well, but I just squished it and then it melted into the water.
Once in the bath, I feel that it smelt better.
It made the bath feel weird, literally like you've just put a bar of galaxy in your bath.
Once I soaked for a nice long time, got out and got cosy in my PJ's, I felt great.
My skin felt really really soft after.
I'd definitely recommend this adorable little product - he's an essential for the Christmas season!
Check out the full details about him on Lush's website here -
- Thanks for Reading! -
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